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Heylo little munchkins, Me and Holly would like to apologise for the neglect ot this site :D We are truelly sorry. So one day, a 'strange and interesting' gal decided to enhance her webby, her name was Bex, a rather dillusional child :) Tis moi..... So yeah, welcome back if you haven't been here for ages and heylo to the regualaaaarrrs :D


Love y'all


Becky's recomendation-



My name is holly and welcome to here....hmm yes well. Click on pictures and stuff and you can go to other dites and then you can go on other sites!!!! I dunno. IGNORE!!!! Anyway....

And my name is Beccara! Ignore me, i'm the little minority!


Hiya hunnys!

The sites going great, that's for all your random messages, and for checking out the site. Further improvements will be made, random videos and stuff will hopefully be able to be made soon. if you have any ideas for the site please email me or holly on either holsipops@hotmail.com or punkixmunki@msn.com because on beckycool12@hotmail.com I cannot get emails from people who i do not have on my msn contacts. Anyhows, have lotsa random fun on my site! And get writing, watching and playing! Wahoo!

Love y'all!


Click on the picture of ovis!

Yes, This is where i tell you to click on the pictures and stuff and then do what you like on the other sites that they take you to...i think!!! Anyway Good luck and happy Clicking my lovelies!!!


What a farse, was the Uro 2004! We should of won fair and square as sad as it seems I cried :( O well, I guess life goes on and England will wollow in their misery, but we will kick some ass in the World cup :) Oh yeh, or right!

Hmmmmmm See ya bunnies :)


Erm, Today Being the unusual boring fart, We went to a craft fair at Harewood house, sonre fest, If I must say so myself.  just prissy paintings and  strange food. But i guess those secilia sausisons were nice :) Try them, yummy:) oh and belgian choc wraps, oh yeh! They were some good sh*t. Well yes....... Yesterday I was in town with my beloved baby Tom, and I love you sooooo much, I always will. Tehe, My sexy little thang :)

i'm am being shouted at by someone who has never met me, and is making allegations that I am a towny.... Ha I don't think so, With me liking the likes of sugarcult, Finch, Story of the year, Guns n roses, Iron Maiden, Ozzy, Funeral for a friend, InMe, Placebo, AcDc .... yeh  a real hardcore towny i am, pah!

yeh, whatever.

Becky xXx


I love you (my friends that is)

Thank you for visitin my site!!! Although this is number 2!!! Even if you dont click on anything else please do sign the guest book and tell me where your from!!! ta chuks!!! xxxxxx love holly


yes pwease,pwease,pwease do! Because my little chickens, we will love you forever...... Oh try this -----> www.funnyjunk.com their are various links to it, theirs a pic of a horse in a car and so on


 Yeah Finding nemo, Buy it! it's well gooooOOOd, oh and go see school of rock!


So there you go, I hope the pictures work! Love y'all beccara xXx

Getiing Rich from my site.

Actually...i dont hink you can. Anyway. If you lot make a site on freewebspace yourselves, please tell me coz i wanna c!!!! I love sam, beks, georgie, maz, sarah, steph, harry, harry again, vikki and all my other mates! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 


''Loadsa loadsa money'' says becky. Well actually You can't so Mwahaa! You know money doesnt always mean happiness. It can mean sorrow and pain! you may have no friends at the end of it....... I love you? that is silly......

MOOSE!! (to my dear friend Martin)

This goes to my best mate's site!!! CLICK!!!! (on the picture)