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Me n beks ----->

Hmmm, there's not much really to tell about me and hol. were gay, erm, were gay, oh yeah and were gay! But i spose theres other things that keep us interested? For example Tom Chilton, My loveable, adorable, amazing, hot shit of a boyfriend :) I larve him so <3


 Punk rockers All aboard. Coz Leeds Fest Is here! But you know what, I cant go coz of the amazing SKY HIGH prices! £45 for a whole day :( Meep I can't go now. o well, little darlings will just have to tell me what happened. Oh I want everyone to check out www.secrecyrocks.tk its my mate band from easingwold And they are like punk rockers :) O teh, maybe when they are famous I will be reknowned for the gal who put their dudey website on her own webby. The band is called Reality check, and they are dudey :)

Yeh, I'm tired, so I better wrap this part of the site up, gonna work on the other parts now......... Oh yeh, keep on Rocking :)




<3tom, so don't tell me I'm not in <3 with all my <3



