HAHA my bit
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Ha ha this is myyyyy bit 2 tell you all about me!!! Holly!!

Hi!!! My name is holsipops and im 14 from copmanthorpe.... im the less random 1 who started this and got bex to help moi!!!! Ha hahahahahaha bananas in mustard!!

This is one of my favorite images

This is me n mazza!!! Me and my best mate, mari poo face!! Luvs her lots and LOTS!!! but not as much as jelly tots!!! :)

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Im with maz at the moment!.

Maz is at my house and were of 2 the cinema later!!!! lol.

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Well I am so  mwahahaha! I think Holly can be a great laugh but can sometimes put her foot in when it's not needed, but we will not talk about that shall we, *hmmmm*

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This is harry and i made his display piccy!! the cheek!!! xxx

This is not one of my favorite images

This is massey. He is strange and thats all i have to say about him!!!!