Well I get to say something too!
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xXx Moi xXx

I'm Bex, and I really need the loo, so this is gonna be quick, I'm madly in love with Tom, and my fave bands are....: Finch, Funeral for a friend, Sugarcult, Guns n roses, Iron maiden, InMe, AcDc and so on, I'll add more later When I can think of them......

  I love you!

Yeah okay, random, but i made it and i'm well chuffed, tel me if you want me to make you another one. Weeeeee!

Yeah, I'm so bored, well yeah, I'm so tired, Aswell and it looks as if its about to rain..... sad, depressimo days......

  Whoop de doo dah day!

Why is it everyone seems to be happy and have a boyfriend except moi! it's just not fair! Oh gawd, here i go, got a paddy coming on! Tehe :) only messing, just ganning with yeah, oooh thats a funny word ''just ganning'' mmmm

''Here's yer one, yer two, the three, yer four, yer ten, yer fifteen, here's yer twenty love come again soon''

''Corned beef, even with chips or salad it's corned beef, evn buckingham palace eat corned beef''

''Come and get ya black bin bags on offer till december''

''As i was driving to work, i saw  a white transit van parked diagonally across both lanes-----Averver''

Thankyou, thankyou. Have a wild guess who that was?








Peter Kay as Brian Potter




oh yah darling, that is moi, not that you can tell ot anything!


oooh Johnny had this pic on his msn thingy me bobby. So sod that for a game of soldiers

A girl and a guy can be just friends, but at one point or another they will fall for each other..Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever...













 I never have seen this film but its got a solidier so sod it! Lets all get drunk and drive into a river, suits me fine!






I love Johnny forever, i wish he loved me...... one day......

  Hmmmph bleh

Hey y'all Did you know cola was green ages and ages ago, and on the side of a £2 coin it says standing on the solidiers of giants. Mwahaa! bet you didnt know that did you? NOOOOO! And also, in york you can shoot a scotsman only on a sunday with a bow and arrow. Hmmmph? Well try an amaaaaaze yourself with that one. Might go do some homework, it goes as far as shit on stick does my little homework things......

6th of march-Actually, i am off to the seaside today, hmmmm lovely fish and chips!But i doubt that i will be happy coz i was sposed to be going to the cinema with you guys, so blow it. And piddlypop! oooh!, gonna make another one of those pics i did, but its gonna be called piddly pop! My nana says that when she sneezes, its funny. I love my nana, tehe! I also love my mwummy, but it annoyedm el ast night when she said i couldn't go to the cinema! PAAAAAAH!

So frickety bored! Anyhows hope you enjoy my updatey thingy-me-bob, coz it needed updating go on, pester into my life, and mwah


My lovely little Kev rocks! :)

So do lost prophets!

Mi' lips look blue. I wonder who? Anywhos? Hows thee, I may look seductive, but thats coz the sun was in my eyes! Anyhows, how you going. No soft porn for you tonight.

Ooooh the joy, Loadsa piccies of moi, but i'm bored so i wrote on here, Stoooopid frickety french homework! Miss turners geeey! she expects us to have a french dictionary is she gonna pay for one, noooo! i didnt think soooooo! Bleh, blah, bleh! i actually have weird spasms, in my leg, my toes, and my fingers and its funny, well it's not, but hey there thee go, I also get them in my mouth because i have random outbursts of laughter at random things! Anywho's that's moi for ya.


This took me ages so please enjoy it!