Photo's of randomness
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Bex's piccie woos

Some may be very big, and as I am writing this there is a very strange noise coming from next door!


I did this eith the amazing effects you can get nowadays on computers, Mind boggling huh?

Before the haircut

This is moi before I had my haircut! But I don't like my hair as much now :( it's a very sad life I lead!

Panto Time

Me and holly were in the panto in 2002 in Jack and Jill, But Holly dropped out in 2004 and decided she didn't want ot audition, and here's moi in the 2003 production of Dick Whittington, I'm the one in blue looking gay!

Nirvana: an inspiration to all!

Nirvana, my good, good people, You HAVe to know of them, even if you havn't heard a song, But please try and listen to em! Long live kurt Kobain :) Becky

Nemma Bear

One of my bestest fweinds Emma. love you lots! Becca-Boo xxx

i made it!

Don'tcha just love my purdy pic? tehe.

Love y'all

Becca-Boo xXx

Me and Julia in Corfu

We were at Taverna agni that night. wahey, oooh! I wanna go to corfu again! YaY!